Sunday, August 31, 2014

MEMENTO MORI .........

Mandy Pattullo style...........................                                                                                

Mandy Pattullo is a textile artist and printmaker
living in North Cumberland UK.
I first came across her work when I was exploring
crants. She was one of the few modern artists I
found that was not only well versed but making new examples of crants.
I have been a fan of her work ever since. These pieces are some she made for a solo exhibition
in 2008. They definately live up to her high standards and do not disapoint.
You can find the whole exhibit here:
Mandy also has two blogs, one of them is listed on my blog
roll at left............... Memento Mori.......
as well as an Etsy shop.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Mourning Basket

MADE OUT OF HAIR..........                          

The closer you look,
the more intricate this small
basket becomes.
I am not sure this is a mourning piece,
but it would be a lovely way to memorialize
someone, especially if it was placed under
a glass dome with another personal effect.